Monday 2 September 2013

The adventure begins

The Adventure begins!!

We are currently sitting in Heathrow Terminal 4, waiting for a plane to take us to Amsterdam to Nairobi to Kigali then a bus to Kibogora Hospital!


Hopefully this is what we will arrive to!


The past few weeks since we left beautiful Cornwall have been a whirlwind of preparation, packing, unpacking and re-packing. We have had the opportunity to spend some lovely time with our families and enjoying an uncharacteristically sunny summer.

These photos show everything we have managed to pack into our two backpacks and we also ended up fashioning a guitar case for a half size guitar bought last minute (from a dodgy “cash for stolen goods” shop) for matt to play out there, as a late phone call to the airline revealed we would have to pay extra to take his full size one on board! It is amazing what you can do with cardboard, bubblewrap and determination to bring 4 chord Christian music to Rwanda! Marie also managed to borrow some recorders to take so our Taylor Swift tribute band is slowly taking shape.  

In all the fun/stress in packing and last minute police checks, what lies ahead hasn’t totally sunk in yet but now the bags are checked in its all starting to feel a bit more real. Sitting here with a combination of nerves/anticipation/excitement waiting for our gate number to come up.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us prepare for this, good bye to everyone we’ve not had a chance to say it properly to. Keep in touch – email us, facebook, texts through Matt’s phone (Marie’s is offline for 6 months now) and we will try and update this regularly with our tales and photos. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and let us know what’s going on in your lives as well.

 Love Team Croft xxx
The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. Psalm 118 v 6

1 comment:

  1. Where are the updates ;-)

    Hope it is all going well out there.
